A 5-second countdown
begins when an employer
picks up your résumé...
Make an impact!
by Margaret Krantz
2023 Résumé Guide
Hanover College
Levett Career Center
Tailoring your Résumé
Building a Bridge from Your Past to Your Future
1. Job or internship objective for this résumé__________________________________________________
2. List ten major tasks required by your career 3. Brainstorm the activities in which you have
objective beginning each with a strong verb actually done these, or related, tasks. List as many
(onetonline.org and reviewing online related activities as you can beside each task in #2.
postings will help):
_________________________________________ ______________________________________________
_________________________________________ ______________________________________________
_________________________________________ ______________________________________________
_________________________________________ ______________________________________________
_________________________________________ ______________________________________________
_________________________________________ ______________________________________________
_________________________________________ ______________________________________________
_________________________________________ ______________________________________________
_________________________________________ ______________________________________________
_________________________________________ ______________________________________________
4. Convert the exercise into a résumé. Using STAR (Situation/Task, Action, Results) phrasing,
Action: Beginning with the most recent, record each job or activity appearing in #3 above, listing under it
the tasks that appear beside it in #2, focusing on the “Actions” you took that relate to your future goal.
See “Turn your Notes into a Résumé,” page 6; “Great Verbs for Résumés,” page 7; and “Résumé Formatting
Tips,” page 8, for further tips on composing and formatting your résumé.
5. Results: add your accomplishments for each activity:
Prove you have been an excellent employee. What were the outcomes or “Results” of all your efforts?
Were you named Employee of the Month? All conference? Did you increase the participation in an event,
raise more money or impact someone’s life or future? Include at least three such results on your résumé.
Bank Manager Trainee
Job Requirements My Background
Supervise, train employees Baskin-R, comp. lab mgr, ZZZ, math tutor,
PA coord., VBS, Panhel
Interview and hire workers PA coord., Greek Exec. Bd., Comp. Lab
Prepare work schedules Comp. lab mgr, Panhel, math tutor
Evaluate employees’ performance Math tutor, B-R, Fac. stud. wkr
Prepare accurate nancial reports Treasurer ZZZ, B-R, math tutor, Fac. stud. wkr,
personal taxes
Evaluate loan applications Fac. stud. wkr, treasurer ZZZ
Explain, sell bank services Comp. lab mgr, ZZZ, Panhel PR
Resolve complaints Gk Standards Bd, B-R
Monitor security procedures B-R, Panhel
Maintain community relations Philanthropy Committee ZZZ, Panhel PR
Use spreadsheets, develop budgets Comp. lab mgr, treasurer ZZZ
4 5
1. Write your immediate job or
internship objective on the form to your
left. This step is essential; do not skip
it! If you have more than one objective,
do this exercise for each.
2. In column 2, list at least ten specic
tasks done regularly on that job. If you
need help in identifying appropriate
tasks, come to the Career Center for
assistance, or go to onetonline.org.
3. In column 3, list each job or activity
you have had which required you
to perform a task related to the one
listed. Draw from anything in your
background at this point. Be creative
and thorough; you can omit things later
if they are too farfetched.
4. Convert this information into the
relevant sections of your résumé.
5. Add your successes and results.
2 3
Tailoring Your Résumé
RELATED Computer Laboratory Manager, Hanover College, 2021 – Present
EXPERIENCE •Trainandsupervisestaofeight;prepareworkschedules.
Math Tutor, Hanover College, 2020 – 2021
 addressedproblemsareas.
Math Department Student Worker, Hanover College, 2020 – 2021
Counter Clerk, Baskin-Robbins,Summers2020,2021
ACTIVITIES Peer Advisor Coordinator, Hanover College, 2021 – 2022
© MEK 2023
s you write your résumé, be sure
to focus on the skills and ex-
perience you have that your employer
seeks. The terms below will give you
an idea of the emphases for a variety
of elds. To nd additional keywords
targeted by electronic résumé scanners,
search for your eld on the Internet or
use the resources in the Career Center.
General Work Traits
Dedicated; Integrity; Accurate; Adapt;
Innovative; Leadership; Independent;
Delegate; Implement; Interpersonal
and communication skills; Writing;
Organizational skills; Persuasive;
Problem solving; Results-oriented;
Eager to learn; Flexible; Attention to
detail; Analytical; High energy; Able to
set and achieve goals; Work ethic
Compile and analyze nancial
information; Allocate budget; Invoice;
Document business transactions;
Assess risk; QuickBooks; Audit; Ledger;
Conduct inventory; Compute; Budget;
Organize accounting procedures;
Examine records; Prepare nancial
statements; Accounts payable;
Spreadsheet; Treasurer; Money;
Accuracy; Attention to detail; IRS
Advertising Copywriting
Write, edit and layout publications;
Adobe Creative Suite; Graphic design;
Promote sales; Write content; Consult
with colleagues; Web research; Sell;
Persuade; Review advertising trends;
Correct and revise text; Social media;
Project management; Statistics
Athletic Training
Evaluate injuries; Apply rst aid;
Recommend exercises; Emergency;
Document injuries and interventions;
Handle crises; Policies; Clinic; Train;
Work long hours; Develop and
supervise rehab programs; Counsel
about proper nutrition; Eating disorders
Develop and run drills and practices;
Recruit and motivate athletes; Records;
Schedule games; Travel; Set-up training
schedules; Select teams and players;
Plan strategies; Teach techniques and
teamwork; Analysis; Youth; Psychology
SQL; Visual Studio; JavaScript; Java; C#;
C++; Digital/Social Media; Network;
Python; Internet; System audit; Web
technologies; ColdFusion; SAS; Analyze
systems; Provide software support;
Answer technical questions; Repair
hardware; Database management;
Coding; Security; Risk assessment;
Computer Science major
Environmental Careers
Collect samples; Promote sustainable
practices; Develop research methods;
Collect and analyze data; Public safety;
Assess; Use sampling and measurement
devices; Conduct regulatory audits;
Plan; Identify, measure, and evaluate
environmental impact and hazards;
Interpret lab results; Work in eld
Event Planning
Plan, schedule, coordinate events;
Sales; Promotions; Customer relations;
vendors and caterers; CAD; Database;
Hospitality; Communication; Client;
Troubleshoot; Resolve complaints;
Work under pressure; Adapt quickly to
range of situations; Attention to detail
Finance, Securities
Financial and strategic planning; Data;
Manage risk; Analyze nancial status;
Buy and sell securities; Determine
assets, liabilities, and cash ow; Review
and analyze nancial data; Analyze
company nancial statements; Interpret
data concerning price, yield, stability,
Keywords and Phrases
Choosing Your Style
Composite (See examples in the Career Center)
• Organizes information by skill clusters
followed by a work experience section listing
job title, company, and employment dates.
• Combines the functional and chronological
formats to give employers the work history they
prefer, but in a format that makes the
relatedness of your skills more obvious.
he range of acceptable résumé formats is broad; your choice should be determined by the types of information you are
trying to highlight — or hide — in your résumé.
Common styles include:
(See examples on pages 9, 13, 15 – 18)
• Job history is given in reverse chronological
order, describing only the tasks that relate to job
• Includes date of employment, job titles, and
duties related to the career goal.
• The most common format, therefore the most
easily followed and understood by employers.
• Makes the relatedness of your background
immediately apparent.
Keywords and Phrases (continued)
Functional Skills (See examples in the Career Center)
• Transferable skills are clustered by the three or four most
important skill areas of your job or internship goal (e.g.,
communication, planning, managing, budgeting, counseling,
teaching, coaching, etc).
• Omit job title, employer name, and employment date.
• Used when targeting a eld not obviously supported by
your work history and education by separating related
transferable skills from unrelated job titles.
• Emphasizes skills supporting a particular objective.
Note: Employers generally do not like this style, nding it
difcult to gain the information they need.
Applicant Tracking System
(See example on page 14)
Format rules you should follow:
• Put your name by itself at the top.
• Load your résumé with keywords.
• Use broader job titles and common headings.
• Use a plain font (e.g. Calibri, Arial).
• Use a font size of 10 - 14 point.
• Use a minimum of 1" margins.
• Use clear dates: “March 2020” or “03/2020”
• Avoid italics, underlining and shadows.
• Avoid boldface if letters touch each other.
• Avoid special characters and lines.
• Avoid multiple columns even for headings.
• Avoid undened terms such as “Summer.”
• Save as plain text (.txt); check conversion.
• Allows recruiters to search based on
qualications. Gives access to major rms.
and future trends; Summarize data
describing trends; Create charts and
graphs to illustrate reports; Treasurer;
Spreadsheet; Budget; QuickBooks
Journalism, Editing
Pitch story leads; Proofread; Edit; Blog;
Layout; Evaluate information; Interview
sources; Condentiality; Photo editing;
Cover events; Organize ideas; News;
Features; Opinions; Investigate tips;
Write; Meet deadlines; Verify facts;
Research leads; Attention to detail;
QuarkXPress; Adobe InDesign; Travel
Laboratory Science
Compile and analyze information;
Conduct experiments; Write technical
reports; Interpret results; Set up lab
equipment; HPLC, UV-Vis, NMR/
IR; Document results; Describe
observations and conclusions; Use
proper instrumentation and procedures;
Analyze data using computers
Law Enforcement
Maintain public safety; Enforce rules or
laws; Risk management; Security guard;
Train in self-defense; Maintain personal
tness; Patrol; Render rst aid; Arrest
violators; Monitor safety; Write reports;
Collect evidence; Prepare cases; Testify
Hire, re, train, schedule, supervise
employees; Evaluate performances;
Motivate staff; Develop and allocate
budget; Resolve complaints; Recruit;
Labor relations; Communication skills;
Set and achieve goals; Interview;
Performance appraisals; Coordinate;
Negotiate; Organization; Ethics;
Leadership; Management experience;
Consult; Teamwork; Initiative; Advocate
Marketing and Public Relations
Write and edit press releases; Contact
media; Meet deadlines; Promote and
represent organization to public; Plan
strategies; Write articles; Develop press
kits, bulletins, sales letters, speeches,
and promotional material; Brand;
Market research; Strategic campaign;
Math, Actuarial Science, Statistics
Conduct research; Statistical analysis;
Data; Regression; Conceive and develop
ideas for application of mathematics;
Perform computations; Construct
probability tables; Use sampling
techniques or complete enumeration
bases; Evaluate reliability of source
information; Plan methods to collect
data; Develop questionnaire techniques;
Business strategies
Museum Staff
Preserve, classify objects; Plan and
direct educational programming;
Speak to public; Coordinate and
lead activities; Train and schedule
volunteers; Develop materials; Plan
and prepare exhibits and displays;
Work with children; Set policies; design
exhibits; Conduct tours; Civic events
Sell; Persuade; Negotiate; Speak;
Goals; Prot; Close deal; Set and attain
goals; Travel; Cover territory; Customer
relationships; Strategies; Account;
Sales promotion activities; Product
knowledge; (focus on
of efforts)
Social Service
Counsel clients; Document client
progress; Write treatment plans; Lead
groups; Conduct interviews; Work
with ancillary agencies; Work in team;
Refer clients; Volunteer; Coordinate;
Evaluate; Observe behaviors; Advocate;
Socioeconomic group; Populations;
Case load; Disability; Mental health;
Activities of daily living; Least restrictive
environment; Behavioral analysis; Crisis
(See Teacher Résumé Guide)
Turn your Notes into a Résumé:
• Use the exercise on page 2 to learn exactly what an
employer in your eld is seeking and to identify your own
related skills and experience.
• Choose the style of résumé that’s right for you, using the
overview boxes on pp. 4 – 5. Select the key words (pp.
4 – 5) and verbs (page 7) that you wish to include in your
• Begin to draft your résumé. Include an objective that is
clear and focused, then list your greatest asset (for college
students, it is your education). Go on to your next greatest
strength. If you have strong, related experience, list it,
starting with the most recent job you’ve had that you
included in part 3 of the Tailoring your Résumé worksheet
on page 2. Whenever possible, phrase your bullets in STAR
(situation/task, action or result) format. If your experience
(both work and leadership) is weak, start with a prole,
listing your skills.
• Add other sections in order of their relevance to your goal.
See page 10 for possible sections to include.
• Be consistent: if you list your job title, employer’s name,
and employment date, in that order, for one job, do so for
• One page or two? Employers are more exible on this
point than in the past; therefore, it is your job to ensure all
information you include is relevant. Never
exceed two pages.
Putting It All Together
• Pronouns, articles, and subjective adjectives (e.g.
“warm” atmosphere).
• Information that is not related to your goal (see
exercise on pp. 2 – 3).
• Personal information such as height, weight,
health, marital status, and social security number.
• Specic references to political parties unless
applying to work for that party. Limit references
to religious or greek organizations unless you are
applying to work specically for them.
• The word “duties.” (Instead, use “Responsibilities.”)
• Industry-specic keywords that relate to your
career goal throughout your document.
• Cell phone number (be sure that your voice mail
message is clear and won’t embarrass you).
• Unusual activities you’ve done, especially off-
campus study, travel, research grants,
independent study, volunteering.
• Special skills including computer abilities,
foreign language skills, and leadership
• Grade point average if it is over 3.0. If it falls
below that mark, calculate your major GPA and
include it if it is above 3.0.
Location, Location, Location!
English is read from left to right, top to bottom, so the left
margin and top of each section of your résumé is given
the most attention by the reader. Try to place the most
important section, job, or task rst so that it will get the
attention it deserves.
Appearance Matters:
• DO NOT USE A TEMPLATE, or “wizard.”
Employers tell us they make you look either
stupid or lazy!
• Use a clear, legible font (e.g. Times New
Roman, or Calibri). Avoid ornate fonts,
which are difcult to read.
• Use 11 or 12 point font size for the entire text
except your name, which can be emphasized
through 16 or 18 point lettering.
• Use bold, italics or uppercase for emphasis
but avoid underlining, which is difcult to
• Create bullets using the tips on the back page
of this guide. Leave one space after each
bullet, then begin the rst word with a
capital letter.
• Add one space before and after every dash
that stands for a word like “through” or “to”
as in 2022 – Present. (Do not do this in other
cases, as in phone numbers or in hyphenated
words like “entry-level.”) All your hyphens
should match each other. When you type
“2022 – Present” with the spaces around the
hyphen to begin with, Word converts it to an
en-dash (wider and thinner). If you forget the
spaces at rst and add them later, it will stay
a normal hyphen: “2022 - Present.”
• Print each copy out individually on a laser
printer on good quality paper of a
conservative color (white or ivory).
• See page 8 for further résumé-formatting tips.
Set up
Great Verbs
for Résumés
I have a spelling checker
It came with my PC
It plane lee marks four my revue
Miss steaks aye can knot sea.
Eye ran this poem threw it,
Your sure reel glad two no.
Its vary polished in it’s weigh
My checker tolled me sew....
—Anonymous from the Internet
“An Owed to the
Spelling Checker”
Using 2 different colored pens, highlight:
• Verbs describing your own work experience, and
• Verbs required by your career goal.
Then include the verbs that overlap on your résumé
using simple present tense for roles you still have and
simple past for those that are complete.
Personalize This List!
Employers trash résumés with:
• Typographical errors
• Disorganized presentation
• Unclear goal or focus
• A lack of focus, or one that
doesn’t match their openings
Prole • Skilled in using Adobe InDesign, QuarkXpress and Microsoft
• Experienced in preparing, rewriting and editing copy
• Have written over 75 research papers at least 5 pages in length
• Familiar with Chicago Manual of Style
Education Bachelor of Arts
Hanover College, expected graduation date: May 2023
Major: English, Minor: History
Senior Thesis: “The Rabbit’s Hole Revisited: Lewis Carroll’s
Related Intern, Louisville Courier-Journal, Summer 2022
Experience • Wrote copy for sales materials, in-paper promotional
• Proofread and edited copy using Adobe InDesign;
• Developed newsletter topic ideas
News Editor, The Hanover College Triangle, 2021 – 2022
Assigned stories to reporters and wrote copy on QuarkXpress
• Oversee layout and editing of news section
• Developed story ideas as team member
Writing Center Tutor, Hanover College, 2020 – 2022
• Edited student papers for grammatical and syntactical correctness
The Hot Zone
Visual Accents
Résumé Formatting Tricks
Intern, Louisville Courier-Journal, Summer 2022
• Wrote copy for sales materials, in-paper promotional advertising,
advertisers’ newsletter and other marketing materials
• Proofread and edited copy, responsible for layout
• Researched in-paper campaigns, participated in development of
creative concepts, wrote copy for campaigns
• Developed newsletter topic ideas
News Editor, The Hanover College Triangle, 2021 – 2022
Assigned stories to reporters and wrote copy on QuarkXpress
• Oversaw layout and editing of news section; motivated sta
• Developed story ideas as a team member
Intern, Louisville Courier-Journal, Summer 2022
News Editor, The Hanover College Triangle, 2021 – 2022
Learning Center Tutor, Hanover College, 2020 – 2022
Editor-in-Chief, The Jetstream, 2018 – 2019
• Skilled in using Adobe InDesign, QuarkXpress and Microsoft Word
Able to meet deadlines and to work under time constraints
• Have written over 75 research papers at least 5 pages in length
Intern, Louisville Courier-Journal, Summer 2022
• Wrote copy for sales materials, in-paper promotional advertising,
advertisers’ newsletter and other marketing materials
• Proofread and edited copy using InDesign; responsible for layout
News Editor, The Hanover College Triangle, 2021 – 2022
Assigned stories to reporters and wrote copy using QuarkXpress
Visual accents are like seasoning in a bland dish: they
add appeal, but only if used with restraint and balance.
Draw attention to key points through use of:
• bullets,
• boldface type, and
• uncommon punctuation (quotation marks, etc).
Break up text blocks with white space and bold type.
Note: See the back cover for tips on making bullets
that don’t include problematic formatting.
We read English from top to bottom and from left
to right. Therefore, to emphasize key ideas, place
them near the top left, as in the example to the right.
In your lists of tasks (not jobs), always begin and end
with the two most related to your goal, as readers
are more likely to notice and remember the rst
and last listed items. If your reader is only skim-
ming, you will still make your point effectively.
The more space you spend describing an activity,
the more you ensure that the reader will notice it
and the more important the activity will seem. Be
sure only to describe those things readers need
to know to decide to hire you for their position.
Like a hammer pounding a nail, repetition drives your
point home. Be sure to restate your strengths in varying
ways whenever possible, while avoiding repetition of
things not related to the position. Bear in mind that
referring to any skill twice emphasizes it; adding a third
mention of it makes it a focal point.
Choose a style and stick with it. Your heading for
each job should give the same information in the
same order with the same punctuation in each case.
Watch details such as matching dashes, consistent
use of commas to separate information, and nal
Intern, Louisville Courier-Journal, Summer 2022
• Wrote copy for sales materials, in-paper promotional advertising,
advertisers’ newsletter and other marketing materials
• Proofread and edited copy, responsible for layout
• Researched in-paper campaigns, participated in development of
creative concepts, wrote copy for campaigns
• Developed newsletter topic ideas
News Editor, The Hanover College Triangle, 2021 – 2022
Assigned stories to reporters and wrote copy
• Responsible for layout and editing of news section
he résumé on page 9, opposite, is lled with devices to draw the attention of the reader, as is illustrated below.
Incorporate these techniques into your résumé to ensure it has the impact you desire.
Prole • Skilled in using Adobe InDesign, QuarkXpress and Microsoft
• Experienced in preparing, rewriting and editing copy
• Have written over 75 research papers at least 5
• Familiar with Chicago Manual of Style
Education Bachelor of Arts
Hanover College, expected graduation date:
Major: English, Minor: History
Senior Thesis: “The Rabbit’s Hole
Related Intern, Louisville Courier-Journal,
Experience • Wrote copy for sales materials,
• Proofread and edited copy
• Developed newsletter topics
News Editor, The Hanover
Assigned stories to reporters
• Oversaw layout and editing
• Developed story ideas
Writing Center Tutor, Hanover
• Edited student papers
Charles A. Dodgson
1116 Willow-on-Thames Lane
Oxford, OH 32067
(541) 999-1212
Prole • Skilled in using Adobe InDesign, QuarkXpress and Microsoft Word
Able to meet deadlines and to work under time constraints
• Experienced in preparing, rewriting and editing copy
• Have written over 75 research papers at least 5 pages in length
• Familiar with Chicago Manual of Style
Education Bachelor of Arts
Hanover College, expected graduation date: May 2023
Major: English, Minor: History
Senior Thesis: “The Rabbit’s Hole Revisited: Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland
after One Hundred Years.”
• Researched, wrote and edited 80-page paper; presented research to Butler
Undergraduate Research Conference
Richter Independent Research Grant: Poetry in British Pubs, London, 2022
Editing Intern, Louisville Courier-Journal, Summer 2022
Experience • Wrote copy for sales materials, in-paper promotional advertising, advertisers’ newsletter
and other marketing materials
• Proofread and edited copy using Adobe InDesign; responsible for layout
• Researched in-paper campaigns, participated in development of creative concepts;
brainstormed and wrote copy for advertising campaigns
• Developed newsletter topic ideas
News Editor, The Hanover College Triangle, 2021 – 2022
Assigned stories to reporters and wrote copy on QuarkXpress
• Oversaw layout and editing of news section; motivated and supervised sta
• Developed story ideas as team member
• Managed web edition of newspaper
Learning Center Writing Tutor, Hanover College, 2020 – 2022
• Edited student papers for grammatical and syntactical correctness, organization,
creativity, and clarity of expression
• Used standard proofreading and correction symbols
Editor-in-Chief, The Jetstream, 2018 – 2019
• Recruited and supervised 10 editors of high school newspaper
• Enforced deadlines; presided over weekly editorial and sta meetings
• Worked also as editor and reporter 2017 – 2018; used Adobe InDesign
Related Contributor, Kennings Literary Journal, 2022
Activities Historian, Scholarship Chair, Judicial Committee, Zeta Zeta Zeta Fraternity 2020 – 2022
• Recorded details of events and activities of chapter
• Wrote article for national monthly newsletter
Chronological Résumé
(see rules on page 4)
Font: Arial 11 point
Goal: Editing
ésumés can be as individual as ngerprints.
Choose headings and descriptions that show
specic employers the ways that you are well-suited
for their positions. You should always include your
name, contact information and education; however,
other possible sections depend on your strengths and
the relevance to the job or internship you are seeking.
Here are a few possibilities:
• Related Experience (can include related volunteer or
extracurricular activities)
• Other Experience
• Leadership Activities
• Honors and Awards
ften students searching for a job or internship are
met with the phrase “experience required.” Don’t
be discouraged by this; you can outline your related,
or “transferable,” skills to demonstrate to a potential
employer that you are worth hiring. Read the sections
below, then compare with the résumé on page 11.
• Summary, Prole, or Highlights of Skills (lists facts
that are true about you, but may not have been
demonstrated in an organized activity or job. See
examples on pp. 9, 11, 12, 16, and 18.)
Skills (related to your eld, e.g., Computer Skills,
Laboratory Skills, or Teaching Skills)
• Volunteer Experience
• Extracurricular Activities
• Objective (these are becoming less common today. If
you include one, be sure to make it brief and clear.
Avoid phrasing it in terms of the ways the job or
internship would benet you; employers want to know
how they will benet from hiring you.)
For Example:
If you are taking Organizational Communication,
the syllabus states that “[Students will learn
to use] critical thinking the analyze the
communication that occurs in organizations,...
gain experience in delivering oral presentations
to specic audiences,... [and] gain experience
functioning in small groups.” This can appear
in your prole, or summary of skills, section as
• Skilled in critical thinking and analysis
• Experienced in delivering presentations to a
variety of audiences
• Experienced team member
Past Experience and Activities
Experience does not have to be formal or paid to be
valuable: your clubs, odd jobs, volunteer work, sports,
and hobbies have taught you skills that may interest
future employers. Research the skills needed for the job
or internship you are seeking, and the ways you have
developed refer to the exercise on page 2 of this guide.
For example, a lifeguard job applies to several positions:
• Maintain alertness; stay calm in emergencies (police)
• Teach water safety and swim lessons (teaching)
• Manage snack bar; keep accurate records
Employers value enthusiasm for the position most
of all, but also seek dependability, punctuality,
initiative, quick learning, productivity, exibility,
independence and cooperation, among others.
Which traits best describe you?
Classes and Liberal Arts Skills
Comb through your course syllabi; they list the
skills and tasks you are expected to develop
through the class. Note those skills that are
sought by the job or internship you’re applying
for (if you aren’t sure, search for the job title
through http://online.onetcenter.org under the
tab, “job tasks.”). Remember your liberal arts
skills (writing, speaking, analysis)!
Employers most highly value enthusiasm for their job
or internship position, but also seek traits such as
dependability, punctuality, initiative, quick learning,
productivity, exibility, independence and cooperation,
among others. Which best describe you?
How to Include Them:
Place general trait statements in your prole
section, as in the rst example below, or as a
bullet statement describing your job, as in the
second example:
• Possess excellent initiative; quick learner
• Opened and operated ofce independently in
absence of manager
For Example:
If you are taking Organizational Communication,
the syllabus states that “[Students will
learn to use] critical thinking to analyze the
communication that occurs in organizations,
gain experience in delivering oral presentations
to specic audiences, [and] gain experience
functioning in small groups.” These skills can
appear in your prole or summary of skills
section as below:
• Skilled in critical thinking and analysis
• Experienced in delivering presentations to a
variety of audiences
• Experienced team member
Classes and Liberal Arts Skills
Comb through your course syllabi; they list the
skills and tasks you are expected to develop
through the class. Note those skills that are
sought by the job or internship you’re applying
for (if you aren’t sure, search for the job title
through onetonline.org under the tab, “job
tasks”). Remember to describe your liberal arts
skills (writing, speaking, analysis).
Past Experience and Activities
Experience does not have to be formal or paid to be
valuable: your clubs, odd jobs, volunteer work, sports,
and hobbies have taught you skills that may interest
future employers. Research the skills needed for the job
or internship you are seeking, and the ways you have
developed them. (See the exercise on page 2.)
For Example:
A lifeguard’s tasks can apply to several positions:
• Teach water safety and swim lessons (teaching)
• Maintain alertness; stay calm in emergencies (police)
• Manage snack bar; keep accurate records
Choosing Sections that Fit your Background
Interns: “Experience Required”? Says Who?
Draw from your:
A. Virginia Woolf
1882 Dalloway Street
London, MA 19410
(212) 876-3423
 • Experienced in writing and editing news stories
• Skilled in delivering presentations to a variety of audiences
• Possess excellent initiative; quick learner
Education Working toward Bachelor of Arts, Hanover College, expected graduation: May 2023
Major: Communication; Minor: Film Studies
Cumulative Grade Point Average: 3.36; Dean’s List, Fall 2022
Related Coursework: Advanced Video Production, Survey of Mass Media,
Video Production (created and edited multiple clips), Visual Communication
(created and produced a short clip), Screenwriting (wrote a full-length screenplay)
 , Hanover College, 2021 – present
 • Direct camera operators for live streaming via Internet
• Multitask as technical director operating the video switcher
• Serve as technical director for series of cultural and sporting events, listening carefully
as instructed; offer suggestions for best possible picture
• Program and administer the character generator for several live stream productions
• Set up lighting and sound equipment during interviews and other cultural events
around and off campus
 Admissions & Financial Aid, Hanover College, August 2021 – May 2022
 • Provided tours throughout campus and hosted prospective students overnight
and • Assisted with the admittance of new students; provided feedback on applicants
 • Maintained communication with students before and after they enrolled
• Contributed to telemarketing campaign
Bloomsbury Community Pool, Summers 2020 – 2022
• Communicated with public; taught swim lessons; enforced safety rules with peers and public
• Maintained accurate records of incidents and attendance; trained other lifeguards
• Promoted to Head Lifeguard in 2022
Hall Government, Crowe Hall, Hanover College, 2020 – 2022
• Organized and led meetings; developed programming to educate and engage residents
• Reelected in second year based on residents' satisfaction
Love Out Loud, Hanover College, 2021 – 2022
• Set up informational programming; promoted events
Intramural softball, volleyball, and ultimate frisbee
Internship Résumé
(see tips on pp. 4 and 10)
Font: Cambria 11 point
Goal: Video Production
Internship Résumé
(see tips on pp. 4 and 10)
Font: Times New Roman 11 point
Goal: Camp Counselor
Marcie L. Cicero
Hanover College, Unit 2022 (812) 599-5555
Hanover, IN 47243 cicerom23@hanover.edu
Highlights of Skills:
• Experienced in planning activities for children and adolescents
• Background in program coordination
• Skilled in motivating others; enthusiastic and energetic
• Possess strong organizational and customer service skills
Earning Bachelor of Arts, Hanover College, Expected Graduation Date: May 2023
Classics Major, Cumulative Grade Point Average: 3.2; Dean’s List
Study Abroad: Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven Belgium, Winter 2022
Related Experience:
Learning Center Tutor, Hanover College (September 2021 – Present)
• Work with students, provide individual meetings, and teach communication skills
Assist drop-in students to develop essays and organize ideas; understand and explain rules of grammar
• Provide advice for adjusting to college-level work; answer questions
• Have received excellent evaluations from students and supervisor
Peer Advisor, Hanover College (September 2021 – June 2022)
• Mentored group of rst year students during the transition to college life; develop programming
Substitute Teacher, Southwestern Jeerson County School Corporation (2022)
• Led classes for elementary students, grades 2, 4, and 5, as planned by teacher
• Kept accurate attendance records; collected and graded assignments; recorded grades in spreadsheet
Other Activities:
OceAssistant,Classics Department, Hanover College (September 2021 – May 2022)
• Ran oce equipment, organized les, and answered phone inquiries
• Used MS Word and cataloguing software to track materials; researched books through interlibrary loan
Vice President Membership/Recruitment, Zeta Zeta Zeta Fraternity (2021 – 2022)
• Coordinated chapter recruitment and membership selection process
• Oversaw all recruitment events; planned and developed activities to draw new members
• Increased pledge class 10% over previous year
Sta, Shoebox Restaurant, Hanover College (September – December 2021)
Team Member, Taco Bell (Summer 2020 – 2021)
• Worked with public; resolved customer complaints
Vice President, National Honor Society (2020 – 2021)
• Developed and participated in community service activities; co-led weekly meetings
(219) 755-3434
Objective To obtain a position in social services working with at-risk adolescents
Education Bachelor of Arts, Hanover College, expected May 2023
Major: Psychology; Dean’s List
Grade Point Average: Most Recent Term 3.7, Cumulative: 3.1
Additional Course work: Behavior Management (Indiana University Southeast)
Study Abroad: University of Wollongong, Australia, Fall 2021
Related Intern, LifeSpring Mental Health Services (September 2022 – Present)
Experience • Provide case management for adult clients and children
• Develop objectives for each client; teach activities of daily living skills
• Monitor and document condition of clients receiving services
• Work in treatment team; act as a liaison with other agencies
• Observe group therapy sessions
Teacher-Therapist, Englishton Park Children’s Program (Summer 2022)
• Taught academic subjects to children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD
• Counseled emotionally at-risk children
• Held case conferences for each child with parents, foster parents and caseworkers
Volunteer Peer Advisor, Hanover College (January 2022 – Present)
Experience •Developandleadprogrammingtopromoterstyearintegrationintocollegelife
• Participate in the selection and training of new peer advisors
Volunteer Teacher, Girls, Inc. (January – May 2022)
• Selected curriculum and led classes for girls aged 6 though 13; interacted with parents
L.I.N.K. (Love is Needed by Kids), Hanover College (September 2020 – 2021)
• Sponsored a child as a big sister; planned engaging activities; served as positive role model
Other Ambassador, HanoverCollegeOfceof Admissions(2020–2021)
Experience • Provided tours of campus; answered questions; developed rapport with prospective students
Caterer, Sodexo (2020 – 2021)
Sales Associate, Peebles (Summers 2020, 2021)
Honors and Volunteer Service Award, Hanover College 2022 Intramural Softball, Volleyball
Activities National Honor Society Academic Honors Diploma
Dorothea J. Dix
Online Résumé
(see rules on page 4)
Font: Garamond 12 point
Goal: Social Services
Charles Babbage
Python, C#, C++, SQL, PERL-CGI, ColdFusion, HTML, Java Script, Adobe Flash, Unix, OS X, Corel
Draw x4, 3D Studio, Visual Studio, Paintshop Pro, Adobe CS5, Microsoft Oce, Windows Vista,
dBase IV, Bachelor of Arts Computer Science, Project Technician, Technical Assistant, Web
Page Designer, Database System Designer, Software Support, Ethernet, Software Upgrading,
Hanover College Senior, expected graduation May 2023
Majors: Computer Science, Mathematics
Cumulative Grade Point Average: 3.3/4.0
High Level Languages – Python, C#, C++, Visual Studio, SQL, PERL-CGI
Web Page Design – HTML, Java Script, Adobe Flash
Graphics Software – CorelDRAW, Adobe CS5, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, Paintshop Pro
Application Packages – Oracle, Microsoft Oce, dBase IV, WordPerfect, QuickBooks Pro
Operating Systems – Unix, MS-DOS, Windows Vista, Mac OS X
INTERN, Acme Development Group, June – August 2022
- Directed project to support Windows Vista service; built employee databases using Microsoft Access
- Developed payroll system using QuickBooks Pro that was implemented at end of summer
TECHNICAL ASSISTANT, Hanover Economics Department, August 2021 – May 2022
- Created and maintained web page to make classes interactive on the web
- Acted as troubleshooter for class lab assignments and interactive lectures
- Worked as computer lab instructor for a course, receiving excellent ratings
PROJECT TECHNICIAN, Clawson Communication, June – August 2021
- Installed ber-optics based Ethernet system at Hanover College; handled troubleshooting
- Performed Ethernet card installation and software updating for students
DATABASE SYSTEM DESIGNER, Singapore Airlines, May – June 2021
- Designed database system for priority passenger service using dBase Plus
COMPUTER LAB ASSISTANT, Hanover College Academic Computing, May 2020 – May 2021
- Provided software support for Windows and Macintosh platforms, performed system upgrades
- Personal Web Page – http://www2.hanover.edu/student/babbage
- Webmaster for Sigma Chi – http://www2.hanover.edu/student/sigmachi/
Petticrew Computer Scholar
Association for Computing Machinery
Scannable (ATS) Résumé
(see rules on page 5)
Font: Arial 10 point
Goal: IT Sta
Rachel M. Carson
P. O. Box 370
Paris, KY 40046
(812) 866-8223
Education Bachelor of Arts, Hanover College, expected graduation: May 2023
Major: Biology, Minor: Chemistry
Cumulative Grade Point Average: 3.2
Senior Thesis: “Effect of Anthrax on Dogwood at Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge”
Wrote a 50 page publication-quality research paper, available in the Hanover library
Indianapolis in April 2023
Related Course work: Ecology and Evolution, Cells and Systems, Biodiversity, Genetics,
Herpetology, Mammology, Plant Physiology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Calculus, Statistics
Laboratory • Recombinant DNA techniques (vector cloning, splicing)
and •Electrophoresis;proteinpurication
Field Skills • Thin-layer, gas, and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
• Enzyme kinetics
• Cytological evaluation of meiotic and mitotic plant tissues
Tech Skills Microsoft Access, Excel, C++, C#, Scheme, dBase Plus, Microsoft Word, WordPerfect
Related Biology Laboratory Assistant, Hanover College, 2020 - Present
Work • Run practice intro labs to troubleshoot the process
Experience • Set up equipment for experiments; provide feedback on lab reports
• Answer all student questions in absence of professor
Seed Crew Supervisor, Holden Seed Foundation, Summers 2020 - 2021
Conducted pollination and hybridization experiments
Developed a database for seed and plant inventories
• Supervised and trained 8 new employees; participated in evaluations
• Promoted from crew member to supervisor in 2021
BioBlitz Student Volunteer, Hanover College, Fall 2021
• Collected and catalogued wildlife in and around the Hanover College
campus during a 24-hour event; posted results to website
• Exhibited the specimens for public education before releasing them
Activities Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society, Hanover College, 2022 - Present
• Participate in setting up speakers and events
International Club, Hanover College, 2020 - Present
• Plan cultural and educational events and activities
Chronological Résumé
(see rules on page 4)
Font: Book Antiqua 11 point
Goal: Biological Research
Chronological Format
Font: Calibri 11 point
Goal: Social Justice Advocate
Eleanor Holmes Norton
5800HamiltonRoad,Liberty,OH,45099•nortone22@hanover.edu• 513.565.6900
Bachelor of Arts, HanoverCollege,Hanover,IN,May2023
Professional Experience
IT & Ops Intern, DemocracNaonalCommieeHeadquarters,WashingtonD.C.,May2021–August2021
Campaign Intern, BeyondtheBomb,WashingtonD.C.,August2020–December2020
Scholar, McKinneySchoolofLawandLeadershipAcademy,Indianapolis,IN,June2020
Fellow, OrganizingforAmerica,ButlerCounty,OH,June2018–November2019
Leadership Experience
President and Founder, BlackStudentUnion,HanoverCollege,April2020–May2022
Scholar, BenjaminTempletonScholarshipProgram,HanoverCollege,March2018–May2022
Communicaon Director, HanoverCollegeDemocratsClub,August2020–May2022
Sprint Captain, TrackandField,HanoverCollege,August2018–May2021
Michael B. Angelo
(812) 866-7555
Education: Bachelor of Arts, Hanover College, anticipated May 2023
Major: Economic, Business Scholar
Cumulative Grade Point Average: 3.2; Dean’s List (3 terms)
Research Grant: “Taxes at Work: State-Supported Art in Italy,” Rome, Italy
Computer Skills: Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Access; FileMaker Pro database
Related Intern, First Bank of Florence, Summer 2022
Experience: Conducted customer surveys and analyzed results; presented ndings to vice presidents.
Compiled and analyzed records of bank’s compliance with Community Reinvestment
and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Acts, and designed documents promoting bank’s services.
• Expanded list of potential customers by 12%.
• Received an "outstanding" evaluation, the highest possible.
Coordinator, Medici Student Investment Club, Medici Brokers, 2020 – 2021
Chaired and coordinated monthly meetings of student investors; bought and sold marketable
securities; reviewed existing portfolio on monthly basis.
• Increased portfolio by 14%.
• 100% of stock options presented to club were purchased.
Manager, Charlie’s Homemade Ice Cream & Edibles, Summers 2020 – 2021
Hired and trained 3 employees; participated in sta evaluations; processed payroll and tracked
inventory; negotiated with vendors.
• Promoted to assistant manager at 17, and to manager at 18.
• Created promotional strategy that increased sales by 10%.
Additional Computer Laboratory Assistant, Hanover College, 2020 – 2021
Experience: Provided software support to students using facility; demonstrated use of Excel; performed
periodic diagnostic checks on hardware.
Production, Sistine Marble Works, Summer 2019
Leadership Treasurer, International Club
Activities: Allocated annual budget and tracked expenditures for 25 member organization.
• Recouped $2,000 in overdue bills.
Delegate, Model League of Arab States
House Manager, Social Chair, Executive Committee, Zeta Zeta Zeta Fraternity
Varsity Basketball (4 years), Hanover College
Volunteer, Lide White Boys and Girls Club
Harvard-Style Format
Font: Times New Rm 11 point
Goal: Bank Management
Natasha Rostov
6150 Hermitage Lane
St. Petersburg, FL 33731
(813) 545-6900
Prole Skilled in leading tours and working with the public
Possess excellent communication skills
Experienced in digital imaging and scanning technology
Have strong event planning and organizational skills
Education  BachelorofArts, Hanover College, expected graduation date: May 2023
Major: Art History, Minor: Theology
Major Grade Point Average: 3.5; Cumulative Grade Point Average: 3.0
Dean’s List (3 terms), Mortar Board
Senior Thesis: “Delacroix and Gericault: The French Romantic Movement”
Museum  Intern, Cincinnati Art Museum, Summer 2022
Experience  Participated in organizing exhibitions of medieval religious art collection
on loan from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Acted as tour guide in the medieval section; interacted with patrons and
Used MS Visio 2022 to diagram event setups
Prepared information brochures for upcoming exhibitions
Developed and led children’s programming for over 500 children in total
 TourGuide, The New Mexico Art Institute, Summer 2021
and post-modern exhibitions
Participated in leading children’s tours; led crafts activities
Sold museum memberships, surpassing goals by nearly 10%
 GalleryAttendant, Hanover College Art Gallery, 2020 – 2021
Participated in organizing exhibitions at the College; wrote exhibit materials
Other CampCounselor, Pensacola Summer Camp, Summer 2020
Experience Coordinated arts and crafts activities for children aged 6 – 12
Foreign Spanish–uent:canprepareandgivepresentations,translatearticles
Languages French – fair: can understand and speak, read articles for own use
ComputerSkills Microsoft Visio 2022, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access
OtherActivities Habitat for Humanity (2 years) Debate Club (2 years)
Softball Team (3 years) Track Team (1 year)
Chronological Résumé
(see rules on page 4)
Font: Tahoma 11 point
Goal: Art Museum Position
Good Fair Poor
• Provides content
that does not coalesce
around a clear goal;
related experience thin.
• Includes some key
words, but also includes
unrelated information.
• Most verbs are related
to goal.
• Includes only 1
specic accomplishment
from past experience.
• Headings do not
clearly support the goal
or highlight the writer’s
• No clear goal; a
signicant lack of
focus; lacks related
• Omits key words.
• Omits verbs or uses
weak ones.
• Includes no specic
• Headings do not
support goal or
highlight strengths
at all.
• Goal is very clear:
skillfully highlights
specic related skills,
experience, and traits.
• Uses specic key
words frequently and
• Verbs are strong,
active, related to goal.
• Includes 3 or more
strong accomplishments
from past experience.
• Headings showcase
the writer’s strengths
while matching the job
• Organization clearly
conveys the relative
importance of items.
• Prominently features
the most important
items near top and left.
• Uses correct verb
tenses to match dates.
• Emphasizes 1-2
central skills, restating
them 2-3 times with
varied language;
provides more detail for
related activities.
• Effectively highlights
key ideas with bold and
• Well-chosen, clear,
and easy-to-read.
• Fills page effectively;
conforms to the length
standard in industry.
• Avoids all errors; uses
consistent punctuation;
explains acronyms.
• Avoids unnecessary
articles and pronouns;
omits personal info.
• Uses reverse
chronological order to
• Provides clear contact
Résumé Rubric
• Generally conveys
appropriate emphases.
• Tends to place
important items near
• Verb tenses do not
always match dates.
• Highlights at least
one key idea, restating
with varied language;
emphasizes related past
experience through
greater detail.
• Uses bold and bullets
effectively for the most
• Clear and easy-to-
• Inconsistent
• Obscures strengths
relative to the position.
• Verb tenses do not
match dates sometimes.
• Does not convey a
reliable or clear sense
of emphasis, but may
imply one.
• Uses discernible
formatting, but not in
a way that draws the
reader’s eye effectively.
• Somewhat distracting
or difcult to read.
• Appears
• Formatting choices
distract from content.
• Verb tenses do not
match dates; absent.
• Does not emphasize
key ideas; repeats
exact wording one or
more times.
• Does not format
using bold or bullets
to emphasize key
• Difcult to read or
• Fills nearly all of or
entire page effectively.
• Uses punctuation
consistently with 1-2
exceptions; has no
• Avoids articles and
• Uses reverse
chronological order.
• Provides contact
• Has some obvious
unused “white” space,
or is too long.
• Includes more
than one error each
in punctuation and
• Generally avoids
articles and pronouns.
• Is inconsistent
• Wastes space when
listing contact info.
• Has signicant
unused “white”
space, or 2+ pages.
• Has several typos;
is inconsistent in
punctuation; uses
unclear acronyms.
• Ignores most
standard résumé
• Does not use
reverse chronological
• Provides outdated
contact information.
• Goal is clear:
highlights some related
skills and experience.
• When uses key
words, does so
• Verbs are related to
• Includes 2 related
accomplishments when
describing experience.
• Headings are
appropriate for the
writer and match the
Clear and
Key words:
(raw score 4) (raw score 3) (raw score 2) (raw score 1)
Use of
Verb tenses:
How did you do?
For each factor below, highlight the
description that best describes your
résumé. Find your average raw score
for each section at top and multiply:
Content raw score x 5 _____ +
Format raw score x 1: _____ +
Mechanics raw score x 1: _____= _____ (Total)
What Do Employers Want?
After you Graduate
Keep your résumé up-to-date:
• As you continue along your career path, be sure to add each new job to
your résumé. Save your all of your job descriptions to help with wording.
• Drop specic references to old college activities as you replace them with
leadership experience within your job and volunteerism in the community.
• After you get your rst job, remove your grade point average and specic
scholarships, but leave more summary statements, such as “Bachelor of Arts
Cum Laude.” When your work experience merits it, move it above education.
ecruiters who interview at
Hanover College are asked to rank
the factors they valued most highly
when hiring new college graduates.
They consistently identify the following
ve as most important:
Commitment to the eld,
• Oral communication skills,
• Leadership experience, project
• Related internships or jobs, and
• Analytical skills.
As you write your résumé, be sure to
highlight these aspects of your own
Type Bullets Anywhere!
In general, you are better off not using your
word processor’s bulleted lists option when
writing your résumé, as the software will
insert unwanted formatting along with the
bullets. Instead, use your keyboard shortcut
to type bullets anywhere, as below:
Experience: • Tutor college students
in calculus and statistics
Mac Users: Type Option + 8.
Windows Users: Alt + 0149 or 0183
To indent wrapped text (as above), drag the
lower triangle in
the tab bar to the
right (as shown
to the left here).
Advice for the Digital Age
• Save your résumé with your name in the document title in MS Word or as a PDF if you are using special
• Employers recommend that you omit your street address from résumés submitted to online job boards (your
e-mail address and phone number are enough.)
• Use your Hanover e-mail address or set up an account in gmail with a professional name, (e.g., smithhh@
gmail.com rather than beer[email protected]). Don’t give your work e-mail address or phone number.
• Clean up your Facebook page and tagged photos. Employers will Google you: make a positive impression. Do
you blog in your own name? Keep it professional, or use a pseudonym; cyberspace has a long memory!
• Develop a prole on LinkedIn.com, the professional networking site. Save your prole with a user-friendly name,
and include it on your résumé.
• Set up your cell voice mail with a clear and professional greeting, as well. Not sure yours is okay? If your most
formal adult friend or relative can’t understand it or wouldn’t approve of it, change it.