All rules are subject to change by the Competitive Sports Professional Staff.
1. Prior to the game, players must check-in at the information table with the Intramural Staff on duty. All Intramural
participants MUST have a Comet Card or the GET app to participate. NO ID=NO PLAY. There are no
exceptions to this rule.
2. Check for specific location. Teams are expected to check-in 15 minutes before game
1. A participant may play on one Single Gender team, and one Co-Rec team in each sport, or, when offered, they
may only participate in one open league. Most leagues will offer single gender and co-rec sign-up options, while
most single day events will be offered as open leagues. An open league does not follow any restrictions in relation
to gender.
2. All participants are subject to the eligibility rules stated in the Intramural Sports Policies and Procedures.
3. Players can join teams for leagues, if they have not yet played on another team, up until the completion of the
second week of the season, and prior to the end of registration for special events and tournaments. After this
time, rosters are frozen, and players will not be able to be added.
4. Team captains can submit a request to the Competitive Sports office to add any other player(s) after the roster
has been frozen.
5. Players can be dropped from teams at any time.
6. Players that have already played in one game on one team will not be able to join another team in that same
league even if they leave the roster.
7. All player eligibility protests must be made in writing to the Competitive Sports Professional Staff by the protesting
team’s captain. The deadline for protesting player eligibility will be the following buisness day of the game they
are protesting.
1. UREC assumes no responsibility for injuries that occur during intramurals, special events, and other recreational
activities. Participants are reminded that their participation is completely voluntary. The nature of sport activities
and the large number of participants in the Intramural program make the occurrence of some injuries inevitable.
2. UREC does not provide insurance. It is strongly recommended that all participants have a physical examination
prior to participating.
3. All injuries/ accidents occurring during games should be reported immediately to on-duty staff.
4. Participants with a health issue, prior injury, and individuals who are on medication are urged to confidentially
inform the Competitive Sports Professional Staff of their specific situation.
1. NO ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, OR FOOD are allowed in UREC facilities.
2. Individuals, teams, and spectators who arrive intoxicated, suspected of consumption, or possessing alcohol,
nicotine/tobacco, or other illegal substances will not be permitted to play and will be asked to leave the playing
area. The game may be forfeited, and the offending individuals immediately suspended.
3. UREC will not tolerate such behavior and will act in a manner that is prudent, with the safety of all participants the
priority. Such individuals will be dealt with harshly according to the Competi0tive Sports Staff rulings and will be
subject to university disciplinary procedures.
4. Non-alcoholic beverages are allowed with a secure top.
1. All players who wish to protest things that take place in the match beyond player eligibility must ensure that what
they are protesting involve rule interpretation or penalty enforcement for an infraction of the rules only.
a. Official’s judgement calls are not able to be protested.
b. Intramural Staff on duty can inform captains on what is and is not able to be protested.
2. During a game if you would like to protest a rule interpretation You must make it obvious that you want to protest
before the next play occurs. Once play has resumed, you can no longer protest that rule.
3. All protests must be submitted in writing to the Competitive Sports Professional Staff by both the Intramural Staff
on duty as well as the player protesting.
4. All protests will be reviewed, and a ruling will be made by the Competitive Sports Professional Staff.
5. For more information regarding protests please review our Intramural Policies and Procedures.
1. Players shall not bet on the outcome of any sport or activity offered by the competitive sports program.
1. The Competitive Sports Staff of each game or any other UREC staff may eject any player or spectator for
inappropriate behavior at any time.
2. Ejected players must leave the facility without hesitation or a forfeit may be declared. It is the responsibility of the
team’s captain to make sure ejected players leave the area. An ejected person must schedule a meeting and
attend it, with the Competitive Sports Professional Staff before they can play again in ANY intramural
event or get their suspension removed.
1. Teams will receive a “0” sportsmanship rating for a forfeit.
2. After one forfeit, teams become ineligible for playoffs.
3. Any team that forfeits a second game will be dropped from further competition in that sport.
4. The way to avoid a forfeit is by contacting the Competitive Sports Professional Staff at least 12 hours in advance
to default their game (
a. Defaulting teams will not receive a sportsmanship rating for the respective defaulted game; however, the
team defaulted against will receive a “4” sportsmanship rating.
5. Teams that forfeit will receive an “0” rating for their sportsmanship for that match.
1. All Intramural Sport consequences, such as low sportsmanship’s or suspensions may be appealed.
2. To appeal a consequence, the person who wishes to appeal must contact and meet with the Competitive Sports
Professional Staff. From there, the Competitive Sports Professional Staff can make the decision on whether to
keep the consequence, decrease it, annul it, or increase it.
3. If the person would like to appeal against the decision made by the Competitive Sports Professional Staff, they
are able to go to the Associate Director of Programs to continue the appeal. From there, they can continue
moving up the chain of UREC Professionals and continue the appeal process, if they choose to do so.
4. It is pertinent that all persons who wish to appeal understand that when moving on in the process, the
professional staff they are appealing to has the ability to keep, increase, decrease, or annul the consequence.
1. Legality of all equipment is up to the discretion of the Competitive Sports Staff on duty.
2. For Team sports: each team must wear similar color jerseys, with visible numbers on the back of the jersey.
a. If they do not have their own jerseys, Intramural Pinnies will be provided.
3. Athletic wear is acceptable for all events.
4. For foot ware, students must wear athletic sneakers that are non-marring.
a. Not Permissible Foot ware:
i. Playing barefoot/ with socks only (allowed for sand volleyball only).
ii. Combat boots or hiking boots
iii. Steel cleats or shoes with steel detachable cleats that screw onto the shoes
iv. Crocs or other shoes not deemed as athletic sneakers.
b. Permissible Outdoor Sport Foot ware:
i. Regulation rubber-soled cleats, plastic cleats, detachable rubber cleats that screw into the shoe,
and athletic shoes.
5. It is forbidden to wear any object that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player. The
following items are not permissible:
a. Head gear, Casts, or body braces
b. ALL Jewelry (Taping of exposed jewelry will not be permitted).
c. Hats or caps with hard bills and any headbands or wraps which are tied with a knot.
d. Any other equipment deemed as unsafe by the Competitive Sports Staff.
6. For religious pieces or medical devices please contact the UREC Competitive Sports office to get an exemption for this piece.
a. All those who do not have an exception on the file will be required to remove the piece.
7. Individuals are required to obtain prior approval from the Competitive Sports Professional Staff for the use of
orthopedic devices essential to protect against an injury.
8. Player’s bleeding or having blood on clothing will be prohibited from participation until appropriate measures
have been administered by on-site personnel.
9. Any player who refuses to follow these rules cannot play and may be removed from the playing area.
1. Team Requirements:
i. Singles: 1 player needed.
ii. Doubles: 2 players needed
For open leagues there will be no gender restrictions. For men’s/women’s leagues
both players will need to be of the same gender. For Co-Rec leagues, each player will
need to be of the opposite genders.
iii. There is a set maximum of 1 player on Single rosters and 2 players on Double’s rosters.
b. Co-rec Games-
i. For Co-Rec leagues, each player will need to be of the opposite genders in a doubles match.
c. Captain Responsibilities-
i. Captains will be given decisions to make during the game and their first choice will be
ii. They are responsible for relaying information to their players and controlling their sideline.
They are to keep their team in control. This includes spectators for that team.
2. Grace Period:
a. If one or both teams have fewer than the minimum number of players ready to participate when the
official/staff member indicates the start of the game, the 10-Minute Rule will come into effect:
i. At least one (1) person from a team must be checked-in for this rule to apply. If no one is
checked in for a team, the game will be an automatic forfeit.
b. The captain/team that is not prepared to play with the minimum number of players will have 10
minutes to become ready to play. Please note that the game clock will still start promptly at the
scheduled game time.
c. If the 10-minute time limit expires and one or both teams still do not have the minimum number of
players, the team that does not meet the minimum player requirement will be given a forfeit.
d. If at any time during the 10-minute limit, the team acquires the minimum number of players, the game
will begin with the remaining game clock time.
3. Game Length:
a. Each game will last no longer than 30 minutes.
b. Each match will consist of best 2 out 3 games. This can change depending on the number of teams
that register and check-in.
4. Location/Field/Court:
a. Check for the specific location of the match.
b. All matches will be played at the Activity Center Main Gym.
5. Coin Toss:
a. The choice of side and the right to be server or receiver in every match shall be decided by coin toss
or rock/paper/scissors. The winner shall have the choice of either being server or receiver, or the
choice of what side they want to start on. The other player will then take the remaining choice.
6. Score is worth:
a. Each fault made by a team will be worth 1 point to the opposing team. Rally Scoring will be used.
b. The first two games will be played first to 21, win by 2, with the third game, if necessary, played first to
11 win by 2.
7. Winners:
a. Champion T-shirts:
i. Intramural champion t-shirts are awarded to winning team members.
ii. Individual participants on a winning team will receive a champion shirt if they played in at least
one game and did not commit multiple unsportsmanlike behavior misconduct violations.
1. Specific Sport Equipment:
a. Players are able to provide their own table tennis paddles and balls.
b. The CompSports staff will have paddles and balls available to be used during the game.
c. To use a ball other than the one provided by CompSports, both captains’ would have to agree.
i. The server is responsible for retrieving a ball that has gone astray.
2. Violations to equipment policy:
a. If players are in violation of these rules, they will not be allowed to play.
b. The Competitive Sports staff have the final say on what equipment is permittable during this sport.
1. Service
a. The ball shall be placed on the palm of the free hand, which must be stationary and above the level of the
playing surface.
b. Service shall commence by the server projecting the ball by hand only, without imparting spin and nearly
vertically upward. As the ball is descending, it shall be struck so that it touches first the server's court and
then passes directly over the net and touches the receiver's court.
c. If, in attempting to serve, the server misses the ball altogether, it is a lost point.
2. Order of Service
a. Singles:
i. Serves in singles must clear the net and can land anywhere on the opponents table area.
ii. After 5 points the receiver shall become the server, and the server the receiver, and so on after
each 5 points until the end of the game or the score 20-all.
iii. From the score 20-all, the service shall change after each point until the end of the game.
iv. The player who served first in a game shall be receiver first in the subsequent game and so on
until the end of the match.
b. Doubles:
i. In doubles, it must land the adjacent (diagonal opposite) square to be deemed legal.
ii. In doubles, the first five services shall be delivered by the selected partner of the pair who have
the right to serve and shall be received by the appropriate partner of the opposing team. The
second five services shall be delivered by the receiver of the first five services and shall be
received by the partner of the first server. The third five services shall delivered by the partner of
the first server and shall be received by the partner of the first receiver. The fourth five services
shall be delivered by the partner of the first receiver and shall be received by the first server. The
fifth two services shall be the same and so on unless the score reaches 20- all.
iii. At 20-all in each game, each player shall deliver only one service in turn until the end of the
iv. The pair who has the right to serve in any game shall decide which partner shall do so. In the first
game of a match, the opposing pair shall then decide which partner will receive first. In
subsequent games of a match, the serving pair will choose their first server and the first receiver
will then be established automatically to correspond to the first server. In each game, the initial
order of receiving shall be opposite to that in the immediately preceding game.
v. If, by mistake, a player serves or receives out of their turn, play shall be interrupted and shall
continue with that player serving or receiving who, according to the sequence established at the
beginning of the match, should be server or receiver respectively at the score that has been
vi. The player or pair who served first in a game shall receive first in the immediately subsequent
game, and so on, until the end of the match.
3. Ball in Play/Faults
a. The ball is in play from the moment at which it is projected from the hand in service until:
i. It has touched one court twice consecutively.
ii. It has, except in service, touched each court alternately without having been struck by the racket
iii. It has been struck by any player more than once consecutively.
iv. It has touched any player or anything that is worn or carried except the racket or racket hand
below the wrist.
v. On the volley, it comes in contact with the racket or racket hand, below the wrist.
vi. It touches any object other than the net or supports.
b. Each of these above instances is a fault and will result in the team who did not commit the fault gaining a
c. Singles:
i. In singles, the server shall first make a good service, the receiver shall then make a good return
and, thereafter, server and receiver alternately shall each make a good return.
d. Doubles:
i. In doubles, the points of contact of the ball with the playing surface shall be the server’s right half-
court or center line and then the receiver’s right half-court or center line.
ii. In doubles, the server shall first make a good service, the receiver shall then make a good return,
the partner of the receiver shall then make a good return and, thereafter, each player alternately
in that sequence shall make a good return.
4. A Let
a. If the ball hits the net on the serve and goes over, it is a LET and the server serves again. However, if the
second serve is a LET, the player loses the point.
b. The rally is a let if the ball becomes split or otherwise fractured in play.
1. Good sportsmanship is required of all participants. Players, coaches, and spectators are to always conduct
themselves properly. UREC reserves the right to suspend or disqualify groups or individuals for
unsportsmanlike conduct at any time. Unsportsmanlike conduct before, during, and/or after a game (event)
will not be tolerated. The team captain assumes full responsibility for the conduct of the team and
a. Unsportsmanlike conduct includes actions that are unbecoming to an ethical, fair, honorable individual. It
consists of acts of deceit, disrespect, or vulgarity and includes taunting. UREC disapproves of any form of
taunting which is intended or designed to embarrass, ridicule, or demean others under any
b. Each team’s sportsmanship rating (max of 4 points) will be evaluated by intramural officials,
scorekeepers, and supervisors assigned to the game.
i. Captains will have the opportunity to see their team’s sportsmanship rating at the end of each
c. A team must average a 3 to be eligible for playoffs OR a 3.5 for teams that do not attend the
mandatory captain’s meeting. Teams dropping below a 3.0 average during the playoffs will be
eliminated from the tournament.
4.0 Teams can advance to this rating if the team demonstrates good sportsmanship and maintains an
excellent attitude toward their opponents and officials. The team and spectators maintain an attitude
of complete cooperation.
3.0 Teams start at this rating at the beginning of a match. They maintain this score when there are
minimal incidents of poor sportsmanship shown towards opponents or officials. Poor behavior is
limited to individuals, not the entire team. Team members and spectators show respect for opponents
and officials.
2.0 Teams will drop to this rating when their members show very little respect for opponents and officials.
A team or members of the team are given a penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct or any unsporting
personal foul penalties.
1.0 Teams will receive this rating when any member of the team is ejected from the game for
unsportsmanlike conduct or unsporting personal fouls.
0.0 Teams will be given this rating when their players disregard warnings of unsportsmanlike conduct,
abusive language, unnecessary roughness, etc. A team or members of the team are given three or
more unsportsmanlike conduct penalties. A team will also receive this score if they forfeit a match.
3. The Competitive Sports Professional Staff reserve the right to reevaluate and amend any grade based
on team/player’s sportsmanship.
Schedules and results will be available on the IMleagues webpage:
For questions, please contact the Competitive Sports Office, at
Please read the Intramural Policies and Procedures. It is a written description of the regulations that govern the
Intramural Sports Program. No matter what sport is played, these regulations govern the participation in all
Intramural programs. It is imperative to the continuity of the program that all participants are aware of and abide
by the regulations set forth by the Competitive Sports Office.
University Recreation reserves the right to amend, add, or remove any policies, procedures, or rules during each
season without notice.