Table tennis was developed in 1890 by a Massachusetts sports equipment
company and was known as indoor tennis
It was exported to England because it wasn’t accepted well in US
In late 1890’s an Englishman designed a celluloid ball and rubber covered paddle
for better control over ball
Name was changed to ping pong because of the sound of the ball as it hit paddle,
then table
Game lost popularity until 1920 when Europeans again made it popular and
changed the name to “table tennis
9 x 5 ft. table with white centerline
Net- 6 in. from top of table, 36 in. from floor
Plastic ball- 4 ½ in. – 4 ¾ in. circumference
Paddle- any material, size, shape, weight
Server tosses ball in air and hits ball onto his/her side of table before it goes over
net to opponents side of table
It is illegal to spin the ball with hand before serving
The ball may not be bounced on table before serving to opponent
An “ace” serve is one that the receiver is unable to touch with his/her paddle
Doubles- The server must serve from the right hand court
- The serve must land in the opponents right court
- A “let” serve is called if the ball hits the net and lands in the correct court.
The ball is then reserved.
- A “let” serve is also called if the serve is made before the receiver is
ready, or there is interference
- The server serves 5 points (5 times) before their opponent serves
Singles- the server ignores the center line and can serve the ball to any part of the
opponent’s court
Player A serves 5 to player C, then switches with B
-Player C serves 5 to B, then switches with D
-Player B serves 5 to D, then switches with A
-Player D serves 5 to A, then switches with C
POINTS: Either the receiving team or serving team may score on a serve
The following will result in loss of point:
Hitting the ball before it bounces (volley) when receiving
Failing to make a good return
Serving the ball to the wrong court (doubles)
Hitting the ball more than 1 time in a row
The paddle, or any part of the body touches any part of the playing area
(table, net, supports)
A ball being returned by opponents misses the table, but touches your
paddle, body or clothing
A ball hits the side edge of the table when returned
Server serves to receiver. Receiver returns ball to server’s partner. Partner returns
to receiver’s partner. Receiver’s partner returns to server. (A player may not hit
the ball two times in a row)
Game is played to 21
If tied at 20, team that scores two more points first wins
Ace- a good serve that the receiver is unable to touch with his paddle
Edgeball- a ball that strikes the top edges or corners of the table and is considered
good and still in play
Fault- a service failure in which the ball doesn’t land in the proper court
Let- a serve that hits the net but lands in the correct court
Rally- a lengthy exchange of shots
Volley- hitting the ball before it bounces and is illegal