Last Updated: October 11, 2020 1
Note taking Express
Record your Zoom classes on Windows
In this tutorial, you will learn:
How to record a Zoom lecture on Windows.
How to send the recording in Note taking Express to get your notes.
Step 1: Recording Zoom Lecture on Windows
1. Download Windows Voice Recorder on your computer and install the software.
2. Before your Zoom class, launch it by typing record in the search bar at the bottom of the
screen. Then, click on Voice Recorder.
Figure 1. Windows Search Bar
Last Updated: October 11, 2020 2
3. When you are ready, click on the blue record button to start recording (Figure 2). A screen
appears with a blue stop button in the center showing that the recording is working (Figure 3).
Figure 2. Voice Recorder Screen
Figure 3. Recording Screen
4. When the lecture is finished, click on the blue stop button (Figure 3). Then, rename your
recording with the title of your class and date (Figure 4). For example: “CST 120 9-24-2020.”
Figure 4. Voice Recorder Screen
Last Updated: October 11, 2020 3
Step 2: Send the Recording in Note taking Express
1. In Voice Recorder, right-click on the recording and click on Open file location to find the file
on your computer. Remember this location for later or copy it to a folder of your choice.
Figure 5. Voice Recorder Screen
2. Connect to your Note taking Express account on this URL: with the username and
password you have received by email.
3. On your dashboard, click on the Upload a Recording button, then select the recording file
previously saved on your computer.
Figure 6. Note taking Express Dashboard
Last Updated: October 11, 2020 4
4. You have a few options to fill out while uploading a recording:
a. First, indicate a name for the file, for example CST 120 9242020.”
b. Then, if there is a PowerPoint presentation for the class, click on Attach (1) to select it.
c. Choose a Subject Category and a Subject related to the course.
d. Finally, do not forget to check the box Send my upload to a note taker (2), and click on
the Done button (3) at the bottom of the window to send it!
Figure 7. Uploading Recording Window
5. Usually 2448 hours later, you will receive an email indicating that your notes are ready!
Connect again on, and click on the My Notes button to download them.
Figure 8. Note taking Express Dashboard
Last Updated: October 11, 2020 5
Is my Note taking Express application connected to the website?
The new Note taking Express application is not connected with the website. If you record with
the application, you need to use it as well to send and receive your notes.
Why did I not receive the Note taking Express email?
Do not forget to check your SPAM folder.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to at [email protected] for
additional help on Note taking Express!